
University of Brazil (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro

President of  the Logica Universalis Association

 Editor-in-Chief South American Journal of Logic (SAJL)

 Creator of the World Logic Day

José Moriano Alendez

Department of Philosophy, National University of Saint Anthony the Abbot in Cusco, Peru

Gino Gustavo Maqui Huamán

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, National University of Saint Anthony the Abbot in Cusco, Peru

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), Germany

President of  the Peru's  Society for Epistemology and Logic  (SEPLO)

Jorge Luis Carrera Honores

Department of Philosophy, National University Federico Villareal (UNFV), Peru

Vice- President of  the Peru's  Society for Epistemology and Logic  (SEPLO)

Miguel Angel Merma Mora

National University of San Marcos, Peru

Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Peru

Treasurer  of  the Peru's  Society for Epistemology and Logic  (SEPLO)